Corporation For Artistic Development has specialized job placements to connect you with jobs in hospitality at hotels, festivals and special events, in theater, television, film, music, creative writing, and white, blue and green collar industries. We ...
CAD's TV Show "Writers, Amazing Artists and Musicians" (WAM) created by Regina A. (Mack) Jones, showcases talent all over the world. It is our mission to promote disabled and non-disabled children, aged out foster care youth, senior citizens, veterans, ... Help CAD beautify a Park and several residential and commercial yards and lots. We also have exciting trainings, jobs, products and entertainment and opportunities to ...
Chairman, Eric Baker, President/CEO, Regina Jones, Vice President, Joseph Williams,Treasurer,Ava Willis Corporate Secretary, Brenda Evans, Board Members: Yolunda Moore, Larresha White, Beverly Gardner, Nicole Nelms, Sinclair Franklin, Estella Williams, ...
CAD gives Special Thanks to its 2020-2021 Supporters
Wayne County Cares Grant
White Properties
Body of Christ International
City of Highland Park Rec Dept.
Mended Hearts
Wayne Metro
Social Media Links
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